Jessica & Billy

May 16, 2025 • Temecula, CA
64 Days To Go!

Jessica & Billy

May 16, 2025 • Temecula, CA
64 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Rebecca cordle
Rebecca cordle - M.O.H.
sister of the bride. Threw thick or thin Jessica and Rebecca have been by each other side since day one. Jessica could not imagine her day without Rebecca by her side as MOH
Bobby Lang
Bobby Lang - Best Man
Bobby and Billy met in middle school. They were the only new kids that came in at that time and hit it off right away. They had many fun adventures and endeavors. They have been there for each other ever since and will continue to be best friends.
Chelly Speed
Chelly Speed - Bridesmaid
Chelly and Jessica have work together for years and are like two peas in a pod while at work in the spa industry at lido house. They are truly work Besties and Wondeful Friends outside of work.
Melissa Garcia
Melissa Garcia - Bridesmaid
Jessica and Melissa have been friends since 2004. They met in biology class and were connected at the hip all threw high school. They spent a year together after high school living in san marcos while melissa attended her collage classes. While life brought them fun adventures and there two beautiful daughter they remained friends till this day.
Marissa Puraci
Marissa Puraci - Bridesmaid
Marissa and Jessica have had wonderful off roading adventures since 2016 pretty much sisters for 5 years taking trips and even working out at the gym together. They have seen the worse and the best in one another and are growing into beautiful wifes .
Megan Sanchez
Megan Sanchez - Bridesmaid
Jessica met Megan threw wonderful Billy, not much later she became such a wonderful light and friend. They share the love of off roading and have taken camping trips as well as hiking national parks . Megan and her fiancé Tony captured the once in a lifetime moment of Billy proposing in calico and helped plan the surprise . They share the passion for outdoors and is the couple billy and Jessica call for a spontaneous adventures.
Deban Blakemore
Deban Blakemore - Bridesmaid
Deban truly is a wedding party saver. Jessica and Deban met when her and Billy Started dating. Deban soon after became a mother of two wonderful boys and a wondeful example of what type of mother Jessica wanted to be. Since there 2 year friendship they have became close and she is truly the person who she gose to for mom advice and now life advice. truly blessed to watch out kids grow together
Chad Blakemore
Chad Blakemore - Groomsman
Billy met chad though a mutual friend. They would go to parties and enjoy hanging out together. Chad has always been the friend that Billy feels he could open up to any time.
Brett Ritter
Brett Ritter - Groomsman
Brett is Billy's older brother. Brett has taught Billy so much in life. he has been a role model while growing up and is the wonderful brother. There has always been a competition between them two growing up, just like boys should be. Brett has been a big part of Jessica's and Billy's Relationship and has been there since the day they met. He has became a wonderful Uncle to Amaya and tires to spend as much time with her as he can.
Joshua Cordle
Joshua Cordle - Groomsman
Josh is soon to be Brother in law. The only brother Jessica has and the he was the Big brother. We are beyond grateful for him to make such a big trip from Minnesota to be party of the wedding and are thankful he can be by our side as we all become family.
Tony Coiro
Tony Coiro - Groomsman
Billy first met tony also threw a Mutual friend . Tony shares the adventure side Billy has with all his dirt bike riding, golfing and off-roading. They have spent many days out in the desert as well as hiking trip as couples to Zion. Tony is a life long friend of not only just Billy but Jessica and Amaya.
Jake Adams
Jake Adams - Groomsman
Jake and Billy met threw one of their shared passions, Golfing. He was introduced during a golf league by tony and Jake was the only who completed the team. They have been friends for 8 years and are one two golf teams together. They love to competition with one another on the course making life long memoires and will always be each other teammate on Thursday night golf.